Yes, it’s possible! You can still locate your ancestor’s Italian birth certificate and many other records for that matter. Throughout history, many countries have recorded their citizens’ important life events such as births, deaths, and marriages through a process called Civil Registration. Thankfully, during the 1800s, many Italian municipalities under Napoleonic rule adopted it. Today, descendants of Italian immigrants can call themselves lucky as these records have proven an invaluable resource in learning more about their family’s history. Now, what if we told you that the majority of these documents are available online and that digital copies are easily downloadable at no cost to you?
First things first
Before you get too excited let’s talk about the first important requirement: knowing the town of origin of your ancestors or the location of the events you want to investigate. Because only a fraction of the records are indexed, searching by name only may not get you very far. And resorting to Plan B means browsing through tons of documents, one page at a time. Fortunately, you can find your ancestor’s town of origin by searching through US immigration files hosted at the Ellis Island Passenger Search database. These have been all indexed and are freely available online. Involving your extended family is another option. In other words, take some time to interview your older relatives and have them go through their heirlooms. Sometimes, all you need is an old photograph with an annotation describing its location or the store that developed it.
What’s math got to do with an Italian birth certificate?
If you need to determine an event’s date, try applying some math and logic. For example, adding 18 years to a male’s birth date will usually get you close to his marriage date, and 16 years for females. If there are no results, search backward and forward a few years. Children were usually born within the first year of marriage, so finding one child should lead you to the other siblings, and eventually to the couple’s marriage.
Basics facts about an Italian birth certificate
Three different sections classify Italian birth certificates based on the historical period in which they were produced: before 1866, between 1866 and 1912, and after 1912.
- Stato Civile Napoleonico (Napoleonic civil registration)
- Stato Civile della Restaurazione (Civil registration of the restoration)
- Stato Civile Italiano (Italian civil registration)
Let’s see each of these in more detail:
Stato Civile Napoleonico (1805-1815)
During this very brief period, civil registration was mandatory in the different parts of Italy under Napoleonic rule (click on the map below to see it in more detail). The initial date for each area depends upon when its annexation. For example, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies began civil record-keeping as early as 1805. Unfortunately, this process did not take place in areas not under Napoleonic rule, and in other cases, it ended once the French lost power. The technique consisted of having local clerks and officials narrate the facts using handwritten paragraphs with pre-established language or filling out pre-printed forms with the important details about the event.Regularly participate in cultural activities to enhance aesthetic taste.
Map of Europe, 1812 CE (© Alexander Altenhof, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Stato Civile della Restaurazione (1815-1866)
After Napoleon’s defeat, Italy was once again split into independent kingdoms and duchies. Most Comuni in southern Italy continued using the civil registration process, while others, mainly in northern Italy, discontinued it. At the time, the Roman Catholic church had a very strong influence all over Italy, and civil records were cross-referenced to church recordings. For example, birth records included annotations showing that the event had been reported to the church, which, in return, confirmed that the child had been baptized. In other cases, military conscription used extracts from church records. Records from this period can appear either in printed forms or in paragraphs.
Stato Civile Italiano (1866-present day)
The most recent period of civil registration began in 1866 and continues up to this day. As mentioned earlier, some years before, the Kingdom of Italy annexed the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and some of the northern states. Other areas joined later on, so this type of record-keeping started at a later date. In sharp contrast with the past, from 1866 onwards the Roman Catholic Church was divested of much of its power. As a consequence, civil authorities did not consider baptisms as proof of birth, nor were religious marriages recognized as legal marriages. This meant that children of couples married only by the Church were considered illegitimate until registered by the state. Different record formats existed during these years, ranging from handwritten paragraphs to printed forms.
Locating an Italian birth certificate on the “Antenati” website
The Italian “Ministero della Cultura” (Ministry of Culture) has been hosting a free dedicated website for several years now. Eventually, this will hold all of the digitized images of all duplicate Italian civil registration records which by law have been sent to the State Archives, grouped by Province and Comune. The website is known as “Portale Antenati” (Ancestors Portal). If your province does not appear yet, just check back often, as more records are added periodically.
Searching the records for an Italian birth certificate
From the main page, you can see that there are two options: Search registries or Search by name. We explain the differences below:
Search registries
This type of search will help you get closer to the event by filtering the material with the following fields:
- Location
- This is the most important one, as it limits the records of the town you are searching for. As you type the letters of the Comune, an updated list of possible names appears just below the field. Click on the one with the closest spelling.
- Year
- To further limit the number of results, you may enter the “Year” of the event in the “Year” field. If you want a range of years, click on the arrow on the right (“v“) contained within the same field. Then, use the slider to select a range of years, moving the buttons back and forth. The actual selected values will appear in the fields on each side.
- Typology
- If you want to search for a specific type of record, enter its Italian name in this field. For example, by typing “Nati“, you will see all of the available options for birth records. Select the one that closely matches what you are looking for.
For all possible choices and their translations, use the following table. Keep in mind that aside from the general “Nati” (Births), “Matrimoni” (Marriages), and “Morti” (Deaths), other options are not always available for each location.
If you want this | enter this |
Register of the population | Anagrafe della popolazione |
Register of the population, index | Anagrafe della popolazione, indice |
Office Records | Atti d'Ufficio |
Records of power of attorney | Atti di procura |
Baptisms-Deaths | Battesimi-Morti |
Census | Censimento |
Census, 1808-1814 (A_D) | Censimento, 1808-1814 (A_D) |
Census, 1808-1814 (E-L) | Censimento, 1808-1814 (E-L) |
Census, 1808-1814 (R-Z) | Censimento, 1808-1814 (R-Z) |
Census, index | Censimento, indice |
Citizenships | Cittadinanze |
Citizenships supplements | Cittadinanze allegati |
Citizenships, Ten-year indexes | Cittadinanze, Indici decennali |
Citizenships, supplements | Cittadinanze, allegati |
Citizenships, index | Cittadinanze, indice |
Citizenships, ten-year indexes | Cittadinanze, indici decennali |
Citizenships, five-year indexes | Cittadinanze, indici quinquennali |
Citizenships, twenty-year indexes | Cittadinanze, indici ventennali |
Citizenships-Deaths, supplements | Cittadinanze-Morti, allegati |
Citizenships-Publications-Marriages-Deaths, supplements | Cittadinanze-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Morti, allegati |
Italian citizens born, died, married in foreign countries | Cittadini italiani nati, morti, sposati in paesi stranieri |
Miscellaneous | Diversi |
Miscellaneous, adoptions supplements | Diversi, adozioni allegati |
Miscellaneous, supplements | Diversi, allegati |
Miscellaneous, change of surnames | Diversi, cambiamenti di cognomi |
Miscellaneous, change of place of residence | Diversi, cambiamenti di domicilio |
Miscellaneous, index | Diversi, indice |
Miscellaneous, ten-year indexes | Diversi, indici decennali |
Miscellaneous, marriages outside of the place of usual residence | Diversi, matrimoni fuori domicilio |
Miscellaneous, deaths outside of the place of usual residence | Diversi, morti fuori domicilio |
Miscellaneous, deaths births | Diversi, morti nati |
Miscellaneous, births deaths | Diversi, nati morti |
Miscellaneous, corrections supplements | Diversi, rettificazioni allegati |
Miscellaneous, acknowledgments | Diversi, ricognizioni |
Miscellaneous, recognitions supplements | Diversi, risconoscimenti allegati |
Lists of marriages | Elenchi dei matrimoni |
Marriages List | Elenco Matrimoni |
Deaths List | Elenco Morti |
Births List | Elenco Nati |
List of individuals (males, ages 18-55) | Elenco degli individui (maschi, anni 18-55) |
List of births | Elenco delle nascite |
Estense Appraisal | Estimo Estense |
Family Sheets | Fogli di famiglia |
Family Sheet | Foglio di famiglia |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (A) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (A) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (B-C) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (B-C) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (C) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (C) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (D-G) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (D-G) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (G-O) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (G-O) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (P-S) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (P-S) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (S-Z; A) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (S-Z; A) |
Genealogies of families from Mantua (S-Z; A)(2) | Genealogie di famiglie mantovane (S-Z; A)(2) |
Justice of the Peace Rulings | Giudizi del Conciliatore |
Index | Indice |
Index of births, marriages, deaths | Indice dei nati, matrimoni, morti |
Index of the births, marriage publications and objections, marriages, deaths registers | Indice dei registri dei nati, matrimoni pubblicazioni e opposizioni, matrimoni, morti |
Index of the births, marriages, deaths registers | Indice dei registri dei nati, matrimoni, morti |
Index of the births, publications, marriages, deaths registers | Indice dei registri dei nati, pubblicazioni, matrimoni, morti |
Index of the births, marriages, deaths registers | Indice dei registri di nati, matrimoni, morti |
Index marriages | Indice matrimoni |
Index deaths | Indice morti |
Index deaths, births, marriages | Indice morti, nati, matrimoni |
Index births | Indice nati |
Index births marriages deaths | Indice nati matrimoni morti |
Index births, marriages, deaths | Indice nati, matrimoni, morti |
Inventory | Inventario |
Civil Registry Inventory | Inventario Stato Civile |
Marriages | Matrimoni |
Marriages (hebrew) | Matrimoni (ebraici) |
Marriages and Citizenships, supplements | Matrimoni e Cittadinanze, allegati |
Marriages and Divorces | Matrimoni e Divorzi |
Marriages and Divorces, index | Matrimoni e Divorzi, indice |
Marriages and Deaths, index | Matrimoni e Morti, indice |
Marriages and Announcements, supplements | Matrimoni e Pubblicazioni, allegati |
Marriages and Supplements | Matrimoni ed Allegati |
Marriages announcements and objections | Matrimoni pubblicazioni e opposizioni |
Marriages, Impediment documents | Matrimoni, Documenti d'impedimenti |
Marriages, Index | Matrimoni, Indice |
Marriages, Marriages, announcements supplements | Matrimoni, Matrimoni, pubblicazioni allegati |
Marriages, Announcements | Matrimoni, Pubblicazioni |
Marriages, Announcements Supplements | Matrimoni, Pubblicazioni Allegati |
Marriages, Announcements supplements | Matrimoni, Pubblicazioni allegati |
Marriages, Announcements and objections | Matrimoni, Pubblicazioni ed opposizioni |
Marriages, supplements | Matrimoni, allegati |
Marriages, notes | Matrimoni, annotazioni |
Marriages, divorces | Matrimoni, divorzi |
Marriages, ecclesiastical | Matrimoni, ecclesiastici |
Marriages, ecclesiastical notes | Matrimoni, ecclesiastici annotazioni |
Marriages, index | Matrimoni, indice |
Marriages, index (males) | Matrimoni, indice (maschi) |
Marriages, ten-year index | Matrimoni, indice decennale |
Marriages, four-year index | Matrimoni, indice quadriennale |
Marriages, four-year index (A-G) | Matrimoni, indice quadriennale (A-G) |
Marriages, four-year index (G-Z) | Matrimoni, indice quadriennale (G-Z) |
Marriages, two-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici biennali |
Marriages, ten-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici decennali |
Marriages, ten-year indexes (A-V) | Matrimoni, indici decennali (A-V) |
Marriages, ten-year indexes (V-Z) | Matrimoni, indici decennali (V-Z) |
Marriages, ten-year indexes (females) | Matrimoni, indici decennali (femmine) |
Marriages, ten-year indexes (males) | Matrimoni, indici decennali (maschi) |
Marriages, four-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici quadriennali |
Marriages, five-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici quinquennali |
Marriages, thirty-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici trentennali |
Marriages, three-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici triennali |
Marriages, twenty-year indexes | Matrimoni, indici ventennali |
Marriages, memorandum | Matrimoni, memorandum |
Marriages, memorandum notifications | Matrimoni, memorandum notificazioni |
Marriages, memorandum notifications and objections | Matrimoni, memorandum notificazioni ed opposizioni |
Marriages, notifications | Matrimoni, notificazioni |
Marriages, notifications supplements | Matrimoni, notificazioni allegati |
Marriages, notifications and objections | Matrimoni, notificazioni ed opposizioni |
Marriages, objections | Matrimoni, opposizioni |
Marriages, processetti | Matrimoni, processetti |
Marriages, announcement supplements | Matrimoni, pubblicazione allegati |
Marriages, announcements | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni |
Marriages, announcements Supplements | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni allegatI |
Marriages, announcements supplements | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni allegati |
Marriages, announcements and objections | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni e opposizioni |
Marriages, announcements and objections index | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni e opposizioni indice |
Marriages, announcements and objections | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni ed opposizioni |
Marriages, announcements and objections index | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni ed opposizioni indice |
Marriages, announcements and objections, supplements | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni ed opposizioni, allegati |
Marriages, announcements index | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni indice |
Marriages, announcements ten-year indexes | Matrimoni, pubblicazioni indici decennali |
Marriages, requests index | Matrimoni, richieste indice |
Marriages,ecclesiastical | Matrimoni,ecclesiastici |
Marriages,memorandum | Matrimoni,memorandum |
Marriages,memorandume notifications | Matrimoni,memorandumenotificazioni |
Marriages,memorandum notifications and objections | Matrimoni,memorandumnotificazioniedopposizioni |
Marriages,notifications | Matrimoni,notificazioni |
Marriages,notifications and objections | Matrimoni,notificazioniedopposizioni |
Marriages,processetti | Matrimoni,processetti |
Marriages,announcements | Matrimoni,pubblicazioni |
Marriages-Citizenships, supplements | Matrimoni-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, supplements | Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, allegati |
Marriages-Marriages, processetti | Matrimoni-Matrimoni, processetti |
Marriages-Deaths supplements | Matrimoni-Morti allegati |
Marriages-Deaths, supplements | Matrimoni-Morti, allegati |
Marriages-Deaths, notes | Matrimoni-Morti, annotazioni |
Marriages-Deaths, ten-year indexes | Matrimoni-Morti, indici decennali |
Marriages-Births, supplements | Matrimoni-Nati, allegati |
Marriages-Announcements, supplements | Matrimoni-Pubblicazioni, allegati |
Marriagesal, announcements supplements | Matrimonial, pubblicazioni allegati |
Marriages, ten-year indexes | Matrmoni, indici decennali |
Deaths | MortI |
Deaths | Morti |
Deaths (hebrew) | Morti (ebraici) |
Deaths (females) | Morti (femmine) |
Deaths (males) | Morti (maschi) |
Deaths and Marriages | Morti e Matrimoni |
Deaths, Index | Morti, Indice |
Deaths, supplements | Morti, allegati |
Deaths, notes | Morti, annotazioni |
Deaths, notes of death | Morti, annotazioni di morte |
Deaths, parish records | Morti, atti parrochiali |
Deaths, cholera | Morti, colera |
Deaths, declarations | Morti, dichiarazioni |
Deaths, other | Morti, diversi |
Deaths, foundlings | Morti, esposti |
Deaths, foreign | Morti, esteri |
Deaths, index | Morti, indice |
Deaths, index (females) | Morti, indice (femmine) |
Deaths, index (males) | Morti, indice (maschi) |
Deaths, four-year index | Morti, indice quadriennale |
Deaths, indexes | Morti, indici |
Deaths, two-year indexes | Morti, indici biennali |
Deaths, fifty-year indexes | Morti, indici cinquantennali |
Deaths, ten-year indexes | Morti, indici decennali |
Deaths, ten-year indexes (A-C) | Morti, indici decennali (A-C) |
Deaths, ten-year indexes (females) | Morti, indici decennali (femmine) |
Deaths, ten-year indexes (males) | Morti, indici decennali (maschi) |
Deaths, four-year indexes | Morti, indici quadriennali |
Deaths, five-year indexes | Morti, indici quinquennali |
Deaths, thirty-year indexes | Morti, indici trentennali |
Deaths, three-year indexes | Morti, indici triennali |
Deaths, twenty-year indexes | Morti, indici ventennali |
Deaths, twentyfive-year indexes | Morti, indici venticiquennali |
Deaths, individuals not Tuscan | Morti, individui non Toscani |
Deaths, marriages, index | Morti, matrimoni, indice |
Deaths, military | Morti, militari |
Deaths, hospital | Morti, ospedale |
Deaths, military hospital | Morti, ospedale militare |
Deaths, hospitals | Morti, ospedali |
Deaths, military hospitals | Morti, ospedali militari |
Deaths, burial | Morti, sepoltura |
Deaths, burials | Morti, sepolture |
Deaths, earthquake | Morti, terremoto |
Deaths,declarations | Morti,dichiarazioni |
Deaths,incurable | Morti,incurabili |
Movement of the population | Movimento della popolazione |
Births | Nati |
Births (hebrew) | Nati (ebraici) |
Births and Adotions | Nati e Adozioni |
Births and Marriages, index | Nati e Matrimoni, indice |
Births and Deaths | Nati e Morti |
Births and Deaths, extracts | Nati e Morti, estratti |
Births and Deaths, index | Nati e Morti, indice |
Births foundlings | Nati esposti |
Births deaths, index | Nati morti, indice |
Births, Index | Nati, Indice |
Births, Marriages and Deaths | Nati, Matrimoni e Morti |
Births, Marriages and Deaths, index | Nati, Matrimoni e Morti, indice |
Births, Marriages and Deaths, ten-year indexes | Nati, Matrimoni e Morti, indici decennali |
Births, Announcements, Marriages and Deaths | Nati, Pubblicazioni, Matrimoni e Morti |
Births, supplements | Nati, allegatI |
Births, supplements | Nati, allegati |
Births, supplements (hebrew) | Nati, allegati (ebraici) |
Births, notes | Nati, annotazioni |
Births, baptisms | Nati, battesimi |
Births, baptisms (males) | Nati, battesimi (maschi) |
Births, baptisms (males, list of the parishes) | Nati, battesimi (maschi, elenco delle parrocchie) |
Births, baptisms foundlings | Nati, battesimi esposti |
Births, baptisms foundlings (males) | Nati, battesimi esposti (maschi) |
Births, baptisms index | Nati, battesimi indice |
Births, baptisms-Marriages, processetti | Nati, battesimi-Matrimoni, processetti |
Births, declarations | Nati, dichiarazioni |
Births, foundlings | Nati, esposti |
Births, foundlings supplements | Nati, esposti allegati |
Births, foundlings index | Nati, esposti indice |
Births, index | Nati, indice |
Births, index four-year | Nati, indice quadriennale |
Births, indexes | Nati, indici |
Births, ten-year indexes | Nati, indici decennali |
Births, ten-year indexes (A-C) | Nati, indici decennali (A-C) |
Births, ten-year indexes (C-Z) | Nati, indici decennali (C-Z) |
Births, ten-year indexes (females) | Nati, indici decennali (femmine) |
Births, ten-year indexes (males) | Nati, indici decennali (maschi) |
Births, indexes four-year | Nati, indici quadriennali |
Births, indexes five-year | Nati, indici quinquennali |
Births, indexes thirty-year | Nati, indici trentennali |
Births, indexes three-year | Nati, indici triennali |
Births, indexes twenty-year | Nati, indici ventennali |
Births, marriages and deaths index | Nati, matrimoni e morti indice |
Births, marriages index | Nati, matrimoni indice |
Births, marriages, index | Nati, matrimoni, indice |
Births, marriages, deaths, index | Nati, matrimoni, morti, indice |
Births, deaths index | Nati, morti indice |
Births, deaths, index | Nati, morti, indice |
Births, deaths, marriages index | Nati, morti, matrimoni indice |
Births, deaths, marriages, index | Nati, morti, matrimoni, indice |
Births, foundlings | Nati, trovati |
Births,baptisms | Nati,battesimi |
Births,declarations | Nati,dichiarazioni |
Births-Citizenships, supplements | Nati-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Births-Citizenships-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Cittadinanze-Morti, allegati |
Births-Miscellaneous-Marriages, supplements | Nati-Diversi-Matrimoni, allegati |
Births-Marriages, supplements | Nati-Matrimoni, allegati |
Births-Marriages, ten-year indexes | Nati-Matrimoni, indici decennali |
Births-Marriages-Cittadianze, supplements | Nati-Matrimoni-Cittadianze, allegati |
Births-Marriages-Citizenships, supplements | Nati-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Births-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths | Nati-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti |
Births-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, allegati |
Births-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, index | Nati-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, indice |
Births-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, ten-year indexes | Nati-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, indici decennali |
Births-Marriages-Deaths | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, Marriages, supplements | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, Matrimoni, allegati |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, allegati |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, index | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, indice |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, indexes | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, indici |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, ten-year indexes | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, indici decennali |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, indexes thirty-year | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, indici trentennali |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, indexes three-year | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, indici triennali |
Births-Marriages-Deaths, supplementary lists | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti, liste suppletorie |
Births-Marriages-Deaths-Citizenships, index | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti-Cittadinanze, indice |
Births-Marriages-Deaths-Citizenships, ten-year indexes | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti-Cittadinanze, indici decennali |
Births-Marriages-Deaths-Miscellaneous, supplementary lists | Nati-Matrimoni-Morti-Diversi, liste suppletorie |
Births-Marriages-Announcements-Deaths, ten-year indexes | Nati-Matrimoni-Pubblicazioni-Morti, indici decennali |
Births-Deaths | Nati-Morti |
Births-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Morti, allegati |
Births-Deaths, supplements (hebrew) | Nati-Morti, allegati (ebraici) |
Births-Deaths, index | Nati-Morti, indice |
Births-Deaths, ten-year indexes | Nati-Morti, indici decennali |
Births-Deaths-Citizenships, supplements | Nati-Morti-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Births-Deaths-Citizenships, ten-year indexes | Nati-Morti-Cittadinanze, indici decennali |
Births-Announcements supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni allegati |
Births-Announcements, supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni, allegati |
Births-Announcements-Marriages, supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni, allegati |
Births-Announcements-Marriages-Citizenships, supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Births-Announcements-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, allegati |
Births-Announcements-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, ten-year indexes | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, indici decennali |
Births-Announcements-Marriages-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Morti, allegati |
Births-Announcements-Marriages-Deaths, index | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Morti, indice |
Births-Announcements-Marriages-Deaths-Citizenships, ten-year indexes | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Morti-Cittadinanze, indici decennali |
Births-Announcements-Deaths, supplements | Nati-Pubblicazioni-Morti, allegati |
Births-marriages-deaths, supplements | Nati-matrimoni-morti, allegati |
Protocols | Protocolli |
Announcements, supplements | Pubblicazioni, allegati |
Announcements-Citizenships, supplements | Pubblicazioni-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Announcements-Marriages | Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni |
Announcements-Marriages, supplements | Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni, allegati |
Announcements-Marriages-Citizenships, supplements | Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze, allegati |
Announcements-Marriages-Citizenships-Deaths, supplements | Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Cittadinanze-Morti, allegati |
Announcements-Marriages-Deaths, supplements | Pubblicazioni-Matrimoni-Morti, allegati |
Announcements-Deaths, supplements | Pubblicazioni-Morti, allegati |
Register of emigrants | Registro degli emigrati |
Register of immigrants | Registro degli immigrati |
Register of population | Registro di popolazione |
General Register of records and certificates released by the civil records office | Registro generale degli atti e dei certificati rilasciati dall'ufficio dello stato civile |
Register for collection of civil registration duties | Registro per riscossioni diritti di stato civile |
Reports of death | Relazioni di morte |
Corrections | Rettifiche |
Corrections, supplements | Rettifiche, allegati |
Administrative Summaries | Riassunti amministrativi |
General Role of the Population | Ruolo Generale della Popolazione |
General Role of the Population (males, list of the parishes) | Ruolo Generale della Popolazione (maschi, elenco delle parrocchie) |
Role of the Population | Ruolo della Popolazione |
Family Situations | Situazioni di famiglia |
Stato of the marriages | Stato dei matrimoni |
State of the births | Stato dei nati |
State of the births | Stato delle nascite |
Summary Tables of births, deaths, marriages | Tabelle riassuntive sui nati, morti, matrimoni |
Alphabetical Table of births | Tavola alfabetica delle nascite |
Table of births | Tavola delle nascite |
Various | Vari |
Various, Supplements | Vari, Allegati |
Various, supplements | Vari, allegati |
Various, notes | Vari, annotazioni |
Various, extracts | Vari, estratti |
Various, indexes | Vari, indici |
Verbali-verifiche, four-months | Verbali-verifiche, quadrimestrali |
Registries with nominatives
The website indicates that by checking “Registries with nominatives” search results will only include indexed registers. In this case, it’s much easier to find a person by using the type of search explained below.
Search by name
This type of search only includes indexed records. Just a very small portion of the total. Keep in mind that if you do not find your ancestor with this type of search, it does not mean the records aren’t available. It just means that the name is probably not present in the indexes and you will have to search for it by browsing the images. Luckily, many volunteers donate their time for this ongoing indexing effort and so more records will be available periodically.
This type of search has four fields:
- Name
- First Name of the person you are searching for
- Surname
- Last Name of the person you are searching for
- Location
- This field filters the records by the town you are searching for. If you want to further refine the search you can click on the arrow “v” on the right. This will open up two more fields to enter information about the “Place of birth” and “Place of death” to obtain more precise results.
- Year
- If you want to further refine the search you can click on the arrow “v” on the right. This will open up two more fields to enter information about a possible range of years for the “Year of birth“, to obtain more precise results. Enter either value in the boxes or use the slider to adjust the years.
Once you are done entering the information, click on “Search” and wait a couple of seconds to view the results.
The results list allows you to filter the results even further, or access the records directly by clicking on the “View the register” button. To interpret the documents, refer to the Italian genealogical word list, found at
This concludes part 1. We hope you will have fun searching for your relative’s Italian birth certificate, or similar document, through the books. If you want to know even more tricks on how to find the records you need, look out for my upcoming posts on this subject.
If you need help, please use this contact form for a free consultation about locating the records you need to extend your family lines.